Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whther they are of
God: because many false prophets are gone into the world. 1 John 4:1
Ok, so you know I have been interested in The End of the World (tm) since I was a kid.
So I even started this blog to document the end times...not that they seem to be happening right now.
And there have been books and times where The Rapture (tm) was all the rage too.
But there seems to be a bigger movement lately, especially about the year 2012. There have been TV specials and movies talking about it. (Doesn't it soud like something like Roland Emmerich would make...that's the guy who did Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow, among other movies, BTW).
And now I ran into this similarly names blog, and its author, Charlie Frost.
Have you been following this guy at all? He's talking about the end of the world...and other things.
Yes, he's crazy, but still interesting in a weird way. And he seems familar. For some reason, this tune keeps popping in my head whenever I see him: "...where everybody knows your name..."
OK...anyway. Unlike myself, who thrives on discussion, such as through comments, you can't post a response to his blog. In fact, he doesn't seems to have any way to contact him. If you do happen to know this guy (maybe Faceook friends), let him know about this blog.
Maybe we can exchange links or something?
What do you all think?